Vision and Mission
In the Academic Year 2013-2014 the Management wished to see a new standard in the Quality of Overall Performance of this institution by sustaining and enhancing the performance to meet the local, national and international needs.In order to accomplish this and also to meet the Assessment and Accreditation process of National Assessment and Accreditation Council [NAAC], the Internal Quality Assurance Cell [IQAC] was conceived on 24/04/2014. Starting from that day on wards the College interacts with various stakeholders of higher education from different parts of this state and this Nation to update and evaluate the programmes and the activities ensuring that total Quality Standards are promoted and complied with at all levels.
Dr. A. Venkatachalam, Associate Professor, Department of P.G. and Research Centre of Commerce was the First Coordinator of IQAC.
As on Date Dr. M. Muthumari, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Botany is the Coordinator.
Professional Instructors
Live Seminar
Online Live Webinar
University Blues